Wednesday, 5 December 2012


Today, I will like to write about the All Sufficient God. This God is called the El-Shaddai. He is the "double-breasted God" who is ever ready to provide "milk" for His children. Our God is the ONLY All-Sufficient One. He can meet your needs abundantly no matter how much and irrespective of surrounding physical situation.

This ability of God as the All-Sufficient One has been proved over and again and we have records of His awesome provision of which testimonies abide and increase on a daily note even among His present worshippers in our contemporary world.

Why is Jehovah the El-Shaddai, All Sufficient One? Why should you trust Him for the provision of all your needs even the ones you do not have the physical ability to meet in any way? Read the following testimonies.

  • To start with, My Father made everything you can see out of Nothing!!! Amazing! 
  • My father (I mean the El-Shaddai, Jehovah) created the sea with so much water and I wonder why the need for so much water!
  • He releases His anointing on our heads so much that David said his cup runs over...why the running over?
  • God provides food for all animals in water, on land and humans.
  • God created the massive and expansive firmament...what is the use?
  • God provided water from a rock for the Israelites on their journey to Canaan under Moses' leadership!
  • My father provided "manna", food for the Israelites in the wilderness!
  • My father provided abundant food in Samaria overnight after a terrible famine when Elisha His servant prophesied in 2Kings!
  • My father fed 5,000 people with 5loaves ad 2 fishes in the desert!
  • My father fed 4,000 people with few loaves of bread again in the desert!
  • My father, the El-Shaddai made building materials available for Nehemiah to re-build the broken wall of the city!
  • My Father provided His blood that is sufficient to cleanse the sins of the whole world! Over 7billion people!
Many more testimonies abound of His sufficiency. Put your trust in Him and He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Whatever be your needs or desires, no matter how pressing it may be, even if the physical means to meet that need seem not to be available, do not rely on what your country economy says nor what your bank account reads nor what your abilities, people you know can get for you, trust and rely on the Sufficiency of El-Shaddai and you will have your needs met without being put to shame.

Even though it may appear that you have a little time to provide a solution and if not, there appears to be shame, do not fear, you will never be put to shame...for before the break of dawn El-Shaddai will appear and bring that provision you need to your hand irrespective of what it may be.

He is the El-Shaddai, the All-Sufficient one. Make a prayer:

My father, I thank you because you are the El-Shaddai, my sufficiency is in you and you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory, I hereby ask you to supply...(put the need you have that you want God to supply) and meet my need now in all your sufficiency in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Now, Expect a miracle. Also remember to share your testimony. Peace!